DJ Spivey. It was 1980 in Detroit Michi­gan where I first fell in Love with this Music. I was 13 years old and the Music of Choice for Me and my Friends was Pro­gres­sive Dance Music. We didn’t know it at the time but We were actu­al­ly cre­at­ing a Musi­cal Lifestyle of sorts that would fol­low many of us the rest of our lives.

Sure there would be peri­ods when no music was bought and no new mix­es were pro­duced, but time would go by and before you knew it This Music Thing would just Grab hold to Me again…

In 2012 My Musi­cal Jour­ney start­ed again! This dance music would prompt me to start mix­ing on the web via my YouTube Chan­nel with near­ly 30K fol­low­ers, and Sound­cloud with over 4K and count­ing… This music would even take me far away as Bei­jing Chi­na to DJ (Twice). I’m real­ly excit­ed now more than ever because I am are cur­rent­ly liv­ing in Mia­mi pro­duc­ing a num­ber of remix edits and work­ing the pro­duc­tion end of things and plan to own and oper­ate my first long over­due Music Label: “Soul­mate Record­ings” So as they say in The Music Game: “Stay Tuned!”.


    • Thank you very much for your col­lab­o­ra­tion, great dj Spivey!!!

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