RSF-dj Angela Gilmour, Scotland (UK), may 2020.

Angela Gilmour is a DJ based in Glas­gow, Scot­land. She cur­rent­ly presents a week­ly radio show on Lon­don sta­tion UWC Radio along­side her hus­band Jason.

In Sep­tem­ber 2019 Angela had the hon­or of inter­view­ing 90s Dance Icon Roza­l­la Miller dur­ing a spe­cial 90s & Naugh­ties Edi­tion of the show. This along with their oth­er shows can be found on Sound­cloud and Mix­cloud. The cou­ple have a strong online fol­low­ing on Face­book, Insta­gram, Sound­cloud and Mix­cloud. You can find the links to these pages below. You can also see them stream­ing their shows live on both Facebook.
As well as their week­ly radio show the duo have per­formed live DJ sets at events such as The Gin & Dis­co Fes­ti­val, Pink In The Park and Youth Uni­ty Day. They also do gigs in var­i­ous clubs, bars and lounges.

Angela & Jason are pas­sion­ate about House Music — Funky, Deep, Tech and Pro­gres­sive being their cho­sen selec­tion. They pride them­selves on their fresh and excit­ing brand and exude pos­i­tive and uplift­ing vibes in each per­for­mance. As a real life cou­ple unit­ed by their love of House Music this real­ly comes across when you see them play.





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