September 2019 — Mitsuri Oniyanagi

Mit­suri Oniyana­gi I start­ed DJing in 1987. Cur­rent­ly work­ing as an online DJ cen­tered on Mix­cloud. My favorite gen­res are Soul­ful House and Afro House. I’m very hap­py that you can lis­ten to my mix.



September 2019 — Dj Sebasteeno

Dj Sebasteeno, United Kingdom

Dj Sebas­teeno im Seb, a 47 year old home dj from York­shire Eng­land. All ive ever loved is house since the genre first appeared. Used top DJ thir­ty years ago then stopped but start­ed again about sev­en years ago and love find­ing new tracks, putting mix­es togeth­er that flow and take you on a jour­ney Ive always loved deep­er soul­ful vocal­ly house and and im cur­rent­ly lov­ing deep­er vocal­ly house I love deep­er vocal house­/nu-dis­co, garage house, soul­ful house and a bit of UK garage/2 Step too!