Dj Kode Bleuu, USA, on Radio Without Frontiers, March 2025



The year was 1982, when anoth­er young dream­er from Bal­ti­more, Mary­land, set off on that long jour­ney to become a DJ. With­out sup­port from the parental unit, who dis­missed his new­ly dis­cov­ered tal­ent as a fad,” this kid stayed focused on his dream and taught him­self how to spin on a cousin’s DJ equip­ment. Although at that time, Hip-Hop had real beats and rhymes, mak­ing it easy for one to catch the vibe; spin­ning on JVC and Pio­neer straight-arm belt-dri­ven turnta­bles with­out pitch con­trol, was a seri­ous chal­lenge!

As time pro­gressed, this kid grew with his music. Hip-Hop was the start, but some­where through the jour­ney, around the time this young man began col­lege (Frost­burg State Uni­ver­si­ty); he was intro­duced to House Music. If you didn’t know, “…House is a feel­in’…” and that feel­in’ got brand­ed into his soul. Not able to deny the vibe, he began to take this music thing very seri­ous­ly, thus spawn­ing the name Kode Bleuu (pro­nounced Code Blue); a sim­ple play on words, relat­ed to the med­ical con­cept of an emer­gency or seri­ous sit­u­a­tion. Spe­cial­iz­ing in Deep, Soul­ful, Garage, Jackin’, Gospel, and Afro/Latin/Brazilian House, Bleuu began to move crowds at fraternity/sorority par­ties, house par­ties and oth­er col­lege events.

While hon­ing his skills, Bleuu began to cre­ate a local buzz, by dis­trib­ut­ing the ever-pop­u­lar mix­tape. Since Baltimore’s House Music fol­low­ing (at that time) was not as large as Chica­go, New York, or the UK, Bleuu revert­ed back to his Hip-Hop roots, to get his name out there. This musi­cal change worked, but his desire to spin House was over­whelm­ing. Decid­ing to go with his heart, Bleuu began pro­duc­ing House Music mix­tapes.

As Bleuu shopped these mix­es to local radio and any­one else who would lis­ten, a huge break came from DJ Oji of 88.9 WEAA FM, Mor­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty Radio. DJ Oji heard tal­ent, and intro­duced Bleuu’s skills to the mass­es on The Under­ground Expe­ri­ence (10/31/95); a Sat­ur­day night House Music mix show. Bleuu was placed in the guest DJ rota­tion, until radio for­mats changed. In 2000, The Audio Infu­sion was born on the same station/timeslot. Short­ly there­after, Bleuu was intro­duced to DJ Patrick Sci­en­tif­ic, who also placed him into The Audio Infusion’s guest DJ rotation. 

Being adept at spin­ning many gen­res from Hip-Hop to House, Bleuu was able to hold down a three-year, week­ly res­i­den­cy dubbed GROOVE WEDNESDAY, at the Stone Cel­lar in Elli­cott City, Mary­land. Final­ly, Bleuu’s hard work paid off, as he was vot­ed “Best Club DJ” in 2003, via the City Paper’s Best of Bal­ti­more issue. The acco­lades con­tin­ued when Bleuu was vot­ed “Best DJ 2004” and“ Best DJ 2007” via the Music Month­ly Reader’s poll!

Bleuu even­tu­al­ly joined forces with Joey Gen­res (for­mal­ly known as DJ Daz­zle; DJ/producer), and formed the com­pa­ny Silent But Dead­ly Music Group. Since that time, this team has been pro­duc­ing var­i­ous soul­ful house tracks, remix­es, and mix­tapes. Bleuu typ­i­cal­ly pro­vides co-pro­duc­tion, as most of his time is focused on spin­ning. Let it be known that although Bleuu prides him­self on being a vinyl purist, as he rocks Tech­nic 1200’s, Bleuu also con­trols his dance floor, whilst per­form­ing in a dig­i­tal DJ environment.

Well, as you can see, a lot has hap­pened since his ear­ly days, but that’s enough for now. Be sure to expe­ri­ence Kode Bleuu at a live show, to real­ly under­stand his vibe!

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