Radio Without Frontiers, Dj Luca Scimeca, Palermo, Italy, december 2021


Luca Scime­ca, DJ – Producer/Remixer.
Appas­sion­a­to di musi­ca elet­tron­i­ca, i set nelle ser­ate spaziano dal­la Deep House, House, Tech House.  La pas­sione per la “House Music” nasce ascoltan­do le pro­duzioni ed i DJ Set prove­ni­en­ti da Chica­go e New York tra i quali quel­li di Frankie Knuck­les, Tony Humphries.
Pre­sente da più di 20 anni nel­la movi­da Ital­iana sopratut­to nel­la regione Sicil­ia. Dal 2011 DJ Res­i­dent del Privé del­la dis­cote­ca “Le Vele Club” di Cefalù.
Dal 2008 DJ e Respon­s­abile Area Tec­ni­ca di Radio One, una delle emit­ten­ti radio­foniche storiche del­la Sicilia.
In ques­ta realtà nasce il prog­et­to “Deep Club” un pro­gram­ma che da spazio alle varie sfu­ma­ture musi­cali del­la Deep House. Deep Club…Deep Inside!!!


Radio Without Frontiers, Nita Funk, France/Spain, march 2021

NITA FUNK Su pasión por la músi­ca y su cul­tura en este cam­po son innatas. DJ Españo­la pero france­sa de nacimien­to, debe su inspiración más notable al funk, al dis­co y al soul que escucha des­de niña. Estas influ­en­cias se man­i­fi­es­tan en sus sets que rezu­man un depu­ra­do y ele­gante house, funky-house, nu-dis­co y soul­ful sin dejar de lado los sonidos elec­tróni­cos, deep y jackin más envolventes.

Ha sido res­i­dente en Bugat­ti 80´s (Ali­cante), repasan­do los difer­entes esti­los que car­ac­teri­zaron esta déca­da, en Macao Lounge (Altea), Manero Club y El Por­tal (Grupo Gas­tro­por­tal) y Bar­raze­ro en Ali­cante. Es pro­mo­to­ra de Vinyl Choice, even­to de músi­ca funky-dis­co en el que pri­ma el for­ma­to vinilo.

Des­de sus ini­cios en 2008, Nita Funk ha pin­cha­do con su incon­fundible esti­lo en salas tan emblemáti­cas de la esce­na ali­can­ti­na como Z‑klub (Ali­cante), Desa­fi­na­do (Ali­cante), Isla Mari­na (Ali­cante), Mar­marela (Ali­cante), Mint (Ali­cante), Cocoon (Altea), Gaudí (Alcoy), Sun­dance (Space Benidorm), La Room (Benidorm) y en otras como La Mural­la, La Ove­ja Negra y Moss Club en Mur­cia, El Jardín (Vejer de la Fron­tera-Cádiz), Lario’s Café (Madrid), Areia (Madrid), Tamarindo (Orense), One Ocean (Barcelona), Cot­ton Beach Club (Ibiza) y en Van­i­ty Club (Casablan­ca-Mar­rue­cos).

Tam­bién ha par­tic­i­pa­do en even­tos desta­ca­dos como House­box, Vocal Booth Week­ender, Ambigu­ous, Bee Live World (Madrid) y BEME (Black & Elec­tron­ic Music Event) en Barcelona. Ha desar­rol­la­do sus sets acom­paña­da por diver­sos músi­cos como los per­cu­sion­istas Izhar y Pak­i­to Baeza, el vio­lin­ista Her­bert Pérez y los vocal­is­tas Soulfeenix y Janyssha Lyon.


Radio Without Frontiers, Tribute to M° Riccardo Cioni by dj Davide Sagliocca, London.


Dj Davide Saglioc­ca Born in Rome in 1964, Davide worked as a radio DJ from 1979 to 1995 for most of the major broad­cast­ing sta­tions in Tus­cany — Radio Firen­ze 2000, Radio Zero, Fan­ta­sy Radio and Radio One, where he made sev­er­al inter­views with inter­na­tion­al music stars dur­ing the 8 years of unin­ter­rupt­ed ser­vice. Since 1982 he also DJed at some his­tor­i­cal Flo­ren­tine clubs. A grad­u­ate in Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, he moved to Milan where he recent­ly resumed DJing, adding spe­cial DJ sets in Lon­don and Ibiza to the gigs in the Milan scene. Spe­cial­iz­ing in Clas­si­cal Music as well as in 70s/80s black music and funk, he has added old-school hip-hop and jazzy deep house to his reper­toire since the 90s. Now he is liv­ing in London.

RSF, Dj Natalia La Tropikal, december 2020

DJ Natalia La Tropikal. Cela fait 30 ans que cette pas­sion­née de musique fait tourn­er les platines. DJ Natalia (dite La Tropikal) de Paris fait par­tie du pre­mier wag­on des DJs Women dans le monde.
A la base, elle est définie comme l’un des pre­miers DJs de musique latine et musiques du monde en Europe, à tra­vers divers­es émis­sions de radio à Paris (Radio Lati­na), Lyon ( Fréquence Jazz), Madrid (Cade­na Ser), au Maroc (Hit Radio); et a acquis le respect du dance floor durant son parcours.
Djane tal­entueuse, elle dif­fuse sa musique à tra­vers ses péripéties comme en Espagne, à Madrid pen­dant 10 ans (où elle a col­laboré entre autre avec Manu Chao), en Amérique Latine, au Maroc, en Litu­anie, en Grèce, en France, à Paris, Lyon, Mar­seille, Lille, etc..
Depuis 12 ans, ses mix­es House Garage, Soul­ful & Deep & Tech House s’accompagnent sou­vent d’une touche Afro & Latin Groove ou Funk & Soul & Disco.
Du Groove entre les oreilles pour le plaisir des danseurs et auditeurs.

RSF, Dj Tiffa, Colombia, december 2020.

Dj Tiffa es una dj perteneciente a pis­cis. Su nom­bre real es Este­fany Rincón Yepes, nació en Medel­lín (Colom­bia) el 16 de mar­zo de 1990. Comien­za su interés por la músi­ca des­de muy tem­prana edad, influ­en­ci­a­da por su pri­mo músi­co pianista. En 2014 ingre­sa en el pro­gra­ma Cul­tura Dj, el cuál fue el impul­so para empezar su car­rera. En 2016 decide perseguir su sueño de ser dj pro­fe­sion­al e ingre­sa en una de las Acad­e­mias de su ciu­dad, Medel­lín, en la espera de realizar sus primeras mez­clas. Su gran tal­en­to como dj la ha lle­va­do a tocar en ciu­dades como Bogotá, Man­iza­les, Pereira y Medel­lín donde actual­mente reside. Dj Tiffa siem­pre se ha car­ac­ter­i­za­do por su buen gus­to por la músi­ca elec­tróni­ca sien­do muy selec­ta en sus live sets.

RSF, Dj Mark Martin, USA, october 2020.


Born & Raised from Taco­ma, Wash­ing­ton. At the young age of 10, Mark would pro­vide music for his Mom’s party’s, but when his mom bought him Two Turnta­bles and a Micro­phone at the sweet age of 16, it changed his life, and he nev­er looked back. From Djing House party’s, to spin­ning all his High School events. He even received a cred­it for play­ing music for the school lunch­es, and kids from oth­er schools would gath­er to hear him spin. It was one big party.

(1983) At the age of 18, Mark became one of the Pio­neer Dj’s of the Pacif­ic North­west, spin­ning at one of the hottest teenage night­clubs around (The Spec­trum Night­club), where they would bring such acts like: SIR — MIX — ALOT, ICE — T, EGYPTIAN LOVER, RODNEY‑O & JOE COOLEY, BOOGIE BOY, NOCERA, CONNIE, just to name a few.

This was a time when they tried to ban Hip Hop music from the Pacif­ic North­west. Mark was one of the Few & Proud Pio­neers to keep it alive. From Spin­ning at clubs with oth­er Pio­neers such as JEFF FRADY, PAUL BUTLER, DONALD GLAUDE, to Djing from Seat­tle to Cal­i­for­nia, Cana­da & Latin Amer­i­ca. Spin­ning at BOBBY BROWN’S BDAY PARTY and HOSTING SNOOP DOGGS DJ JAM’S BDAY PARTY with the whole DOGG POUND in the house, plus being MAXAMILLION DJ for a few show’s. Even chap­er­on­ing EMINEM’S CREW D12, when they were in town.

Mark can spin it all, from OLD SCHOOL (70’S, 80’S DISCO, RETRO, RNB, HIP HOP CLASSICS) to Today’s TOP 40 MAINSTREAM.

RSF, Dj Spivey, Miami, USA, august 2020.

DJ Spivey it was 1980 in Detroit Michi­gan where I first fell in Love with this Music. I was 13 years old and the Music of Choice for Me and my Friends was Pro­gres­sive Dance Music. We didn’t know it at the time but We were actu­al­ly cre­at­ing a Musi­cal Lifestyle of sorts that would fol­low many of us the rest of our lives.

Sure there would be peri­ods when no music was bought and no new mix­es were pro­duced, but time would go by and before you knew it This Music Thing would just Grab hold to Me again…

In 2012 My Musi­cal Jour­ney start­ed again! This dance music would prompt me to start mix­ing on the web via my YouTube Chan­nel with near­ly 30K fol­low­ers, and Sound­cloud with over 4K and count­ing… This music would even take me far away as Bei­jing Chi­na to DJ (Twice). I’m real­ly excit­ed now more than ever because I am are cur­rent­ly liv­ing in Mia­mi pro­duc­ing a num­ber of remix edits and work­ing the pro­duc­tion end of things and plan to own and oper­ate my first long over­due Music Label: “Soul­mate Record­ings” So as they say in The Music Game: “Stay Tuned!”.

RSF, Dj D.Wills, Atlanta, USA, june 2020.

Di’Nia Camp­bell aka DJ D.Wills. Although DJ D.Wills is new on the DJ scene, music has always been a huge part of her life. Grow­ing up in a small town north of Chica­go, she was exposed to a lot of dif­fer­ent music gen­res but house music reigned supreme. While in col­lege at Cen­tral State Uni­ver­si­ty, she majored in com­mu­ni­ca­tions, radio and TV and was the music direc­tor for the col­lege radio sta­tion. DJ D.Wills has always thought of her­self as a musi­cal cura­tor com­ing up with playlists for friends’ par­ties or even being that go to per­son for sug­ges­tions on what music is hot. For years she want­ed to DJ but nev­er took the nec­es­sary steps to do so until after becom­ing a mom for the first time in her for­ties. Want­i­ng to do some­thing dif­fer­ent and decid­ing to take a chance, she enrolled in Scratch Acad­e­my in 2018 and has been slow­ing mak­ing her tal­ents known by djing small engage­ments in the Atlanta area. Hav­ing lived in Atlanta since the ear­ly 90s, DJ D.Wills has wit­nessed the music scene explode, open­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to pur­sue her dreams as a DJ and beyond. Her pas­sion for music is the dri­ving force behind want­i­ng to strive to be a con­tender in this male dom­i­nat­ed are­na. Her mis­sion is to inspire oth­er women of all ages and back­grounds to pur­sue their dreams no mat­ter where they are in life.

RSF-dj Angela Gilmour, Scotland (UK), may 2020.

Angela Gilmour is a DJ based in Glas­gow, Scot­land. She cur­rent­ly presents a week­ly radio show on Lon­don sta­tion UWC Radio along­side her hus­band Jason.

In Sep­tem­ber 2019 Angela had the hon­or of inter­view­ing 90s Dance Icon Roza­l­la Miller dur­ing a spe­cial 90s & Naugh­ties Edi­tion of the show. This along with their oth­er shows can be found on Sound­cloud and Mix­cloud. The cou­ple have a strong online fol­low­ing on Face­book, Insta­gram, Sound­cloud and Mix­cloud. You can find the links to these pages below. You can also see them stream­ing their shows live on both Facebook.
As well as their week­ly radio show the duo have per­formed live DJ sets at events such as The Gin & Dis­co Fes­ti­val, Pink In The Park and Youth Uni­ty Day. They also do gigs in var­i­ous clubs, bars and lounges.

Angela & Jason are pas­sion­ate about House Music — Funky, Deep, Tech and Pro­gres­sive being their cho­sen selec­tion. They pride them­selves on their fresh and excit­ing brand and exude pos­i­tive and uplift­ing vibes in each per­for­mance. As a real life cou­ple unit­ed by their love of House Music this real­ly comes across when you see them play.





RSF, ARIdeejay, Colombia, april 2020.


Ari se define a si mis­ma como una amante del gen­ero House y del vini­lo el cual expre­sa fiel­mente a través de todo su set. Su expe­ri­en­cia y gus­to por la músi­ca la han lle­va­do a per­fec­cionarse estu­dian­do Infor­máti­ca musi­cal, pro­duc­ción de músi­ca en el Insti­tu­to Tec­nológi­co Met­ro­pol­i­tano (ITM) obte­nien­do el títu­lo de Tec­nólo­ga en Infomáti­ca Musi­cal. Su visión de la músi­ca no se limi­ta al gen­ero de la elec­tróni­ca y desar­rol­la sus ideas sien­do artista ofi­cial de Esco Records, DJ ofi­cial de MAGA y emba­jado­ra de mar­ca de OSTA URBAN. Actual­mente es pro­fe­so­ra en Acad­e­mia Deci­bel en la ciu­dad de Medellin; Tam­bién es Direc­to­ra de la platafor­ma de apoyo para alum­nos y artis­tas lla­ma­da “Al Man­do Y Al Coman­do”, donde pro­mueve y apoya entu­si­as­tas del emprendimien­to cul­tur­al. Es miem­bro de Audio Engi­neer­ing Soci­ety (AES) y DJ en Algo0ritmos donde mez­cla audio pro­duci­do en vivo por var­ios live coders. Ari se encuen­tra en el book­ing de Dis­cos Fuentes como ELECTROPIKA, una agru­pación Colom­biana que mez­cla los rit­mos Trop­i­cales con la músi­ca Elec­tróni­ca, cre­an­do así un sonido difer­ente e inno­vador que pre­tende traspasar las fron­teras e impon­erse a niv­el internacional.