Dj Guru

Dj Guru SA (born Tshware­lo Oupa Shakoane on 28 April 1989) is a South African record pro­duc­er and DJ. He began his career around 2008 and has released cou­ple of tracks. Guru SA _A Night In Zam­bezi Guru SA _ Take It All Guru SA _Nightmares Guru SA _ Shades Of Acorn­hoek Guru SA _ Music is Deep He cre­at­ed world Pod­casts tit­tle TITANIC DREAM With Fea­tures Deep House | Soul­ful­house |Pro­gres­sive and Chill out Mix­es. Radio per­son­al­i­ties Res­i­dent Dj RWF (Radio With­out Fron­tiers — Radio Sin Fron­teras) Italy/Spain; RFM 103.2 (South African Com­mu­ni­ty station). 

Book­ings Call : +27 82 362 2885 Email : Guru SA Offi­cial What­sApp :0823622885