DJ D.Wills


Di’Nia Camp­bell aka DJ D.Wills. Although DJ D.Wills is new on the DJ scene, music has always been a huge part of her life. Grow­ing up in a small town north of Chica­go, she was exposed to a lot of dif­fer­ent music gen­res but house music reigned supreme. While in col­lege at Cen­tral State Uni­ver­si­ty, she majored in com­mu­ni­ca­tions, radio and TV and was the music direc­tor for the col­lege radio sta­tion. DJ D.Wills has always thought of her­self as a musi­cal cura­tor com­ing up with playlists for friends’ par­ties or even being that go to per­son for sug­ges­tions on what music is hot. For years she want­ed to DJ but nev­er took the nec­es­sary steps to do so until after becom­ing a mom for the first time in her for­ties. Want­i­ng to do some­thing dif­fer­ent and decid­ing to take a chance, she enrolled in Scratch Acad­e­my in 2018 and has been slow­ing mak­ing her tal­ents known by djing small engage­ments in the Atlanta area. Hav­ing lived in Atlanta since the ear­ly 90s, DJ D.Wills has wit­nessed the music scene explode, open­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to pur­sue her dreams as a DJ and beyond. Her pas­sion for music is the dri­ving force behind want­i­ng to strive to be a con­tender in this male dom­i­nat­ed are­na. Her mis­sion is to inspire oth­er women of all ages and back­grounds to pur­sue their dreams no mat­ter where they are in life.

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