Filippo Cirri

Fil­ip­po Cir­ri. Dee­jay and pro­duc­er based in Flo­rence since 1993, dur­ing my life i’ve played in a lot of impor­tant clubs such as TENAX, VILLA KASAR, MECCANO’, XENON and VILLETTA OSTRAS BEACH which rep­re­sent­ed real points of ref­er­ence for the nightlife, espe­cial­ly Tenax which is still one of the top clubs in Italy.
I’ve made gigs for pri­vate par­ties and prod­uct launch­es with high-lev­el brands such as DKNY, GUCCI, RAY-BAN, D & G and TOMMY HILFIGER dur­ing sev­er­al edi­tions of Pit­ti Immag­ine (Fash­ion Week in Florence).
I’ve had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to col­lab­o­rate for pri­vate events in high-end hotels such as FOUR SEASONS in Milan, EXCELSIOR, BAGLIONI, VILLE SULL’ARNO in Flo­rence and the MELIA WHITE HOUSE in London.
Dur­ing all these years i’ve also divid­ed the con­sole with many impor­tant inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned DJs such as DR. FELIX, NICK the NIGHTFLY, KAY RUSH, HURLEY & MUSCLE, THE MARIO and this great expe­ri­ence allowed me to deep­en my knowl­edge of house and lounge music, help­ing me to find the per­fect mood for every occasion.
I loves to play house, deep house, nu dis­co and soul­ful, with par­tic­u­lar influ­ence from the 90s and every year i like to take some days to trav­el and take inspi­ra­tion for my sets: the musi­cal sights of Mykonos, Ibiza, Lon­don and New York have much influ­ence on my musi­cal selec­tion. Final­ly i’ve a large col­lec­tion of vinyls that still plays with plea­sure for real­ly cool parties.
These are some Dj’s that inspire my sets with their unmis­tak­able sound:
Frankie Knuck­les, Clap­tone, David Morales, Ala­ia & Gal­lo, Craz­ibiza, Pur­ple Dis­co Machine, Daft Punk, Camel­phat, Block &Crown.
Here are some sup­port i’ve received dur­ing my life from Radio and Inter­na­tion­al Dj’s:
- Radio 105 In Da Klubb, Radio Ibiza, Sil­ver Radio, Mix­cloud Deep Chart, Ràdio Plat­ja d’Aro
— Nicky Romero, Gian­lu­ca Vac­chi, Merk & Kre­mont, Paulo Arru­da, Fat Fly, John Gib­bons, Dankann
Clap U More (2017)
Stay in Love (2019)
My Boy (2019)
I Give You (2019)