Inma Ortiz


Inma Ortiz has had an exten­sive list of col­lab­o­rat­ing musi­cians dur­ing her musi­cal career as well as the expe­ri­ence in dif­fer­ent musi­cal branch­es which has made her a known artist that knows how to cap­ti­vate the audi­ence effort­less­ly. Her love­ly voice, her force and the sym­bio­sis she cre­ates with the pub­lic that cre­ates the sce­nario have been rea­son enough to take Inma towards col­lab­o­ra­tions with artists such as Cal­i­ma, Tito Valdes, Pep Sala, Jen­nifer Lopez, Ale­jan­dro Safi­na, Mon­cho, NG La Ban­da, Jor­di Bonell, Francesc Bur­rull, Steve Hog­a­rth (Mar­il­lion), Prem Joshua, etc.

Cur­rent­ly, Inma is also the lead vocal­ist for Keja­leo, a musi­cal group she has been with for the past 2 years, tour­ing the world with its fusion of fla­men­co, jazz and ori­en­tal music.