
Vene­ta is a ris­ing star in the world elec­tron­ic scene. She start­ed her pro­fes­sion­al career as a singer and a song­writer with her biggest col­lab­o­ra­tion “This is the sound” with Tol­ga Mah­mut. The song reached 1 000 000 views for a short time. For less than an year she made sev­er­al songs with artists from all over the world: Rus­sia, Brazil, Turkey, Poland, Italy. Her lat­est track “Feel­ing Good” is released by Sony Music Enter­tain­ment. Vene­ta is con­tin­u­ing mak­ing tracks and per­for­mances. Her biggest pas­sion is live per­form­ing: “I love live singing, I love to con­ncect with the audience”